Director, supervisor, 3D-modeler, rigger, FX-supervisor.
Kyshtymov Alexandr (Skif).(Skif) I am engaged in a 3D-graphics from the end of 1998. I used 3ds Max before but now I work in Maya. Also I use ZBrush. I have taken a part in some large commercial projects.
I am Administrator of Art Gallery, member of the jury of CG-League, curator of the competitions, and moderator on the portal.
In the "Last hunt" project I will be director, supervisor, rigger and modeler. I will create the rig for both characters. Also I will coordinate all members of our team and solve all technical tasks. In additional I will work at the dynamic animation and special effects (such as water, fire, trees, destructions).
My Youtube channel:
Director, art-director, 3D-modeler, consultant.
Konstantinov Vlad (Swordlord).Hello! My name is Vlad. I am 3D-artist and freelancer. I'm specializing in 3d-modeling, illustrations and character design. I have been awarder by different websites such as,,, and I have taken a part in some large commercial projects. In our team I will responsible for the quality of the final results, and I will create some 3D-models and textures. Also I will provide all teammates with necessary scientific information.
My portfolio:
2D-Artist, mattpainter, designer.
Vlasova Olga (Ales fera). Hi all! My name is Olga (Ales fera). I will be 2D-artist in our project - I will design and draw details of the locations and backgrounds for the action. I'm engaged in the 2D-graphics and I plan to study 3D. I have not experience in such projects yet.
Some of my works you can see in the gallery: